It’s about to be that time of year again when warmer temperatures bring out the fleas and ticks. You must take precautions to keep your dog safe from harmful insects. Different types of flea and tick treatments for dogs are available, but how do you know which is the most effective for your pet?
Signs To Determine That Your Dog Is Infested With Fleas
Checking for fleas in your dog’s hair is the quickest and most reliable method. Fleas are tiny insects that are dark brown and feed on animal blood. Tiny brown bugs moving around in your dog’s hair are likely fleas.
Flea dirt might be an additional indicator that your dog is infested. Flea dirt, often feces, appears as tiny black dots on your dog’s fur. Use a fine-toothed comb to brush through your dog’s hair if you suspect an infestation of fleas. If the comb has little black dots, your dog undoubtedly has fleas.
Fleas may also be present if your dog is constantly itching and seems to be in pain. If your canine is scratching more than usual, you should check for fleas since they may cause irritation and even skin illnesses.
Fleas may be avoided by using a flea and tick prevention once a month. Do your homework to select the best flea and tick prevention for your dog from the various options available on the market. Find out whatever brand your vet recommends, and follow the directions strictly.
Get Rid Of Fleas And Ticks In Your Yard Without Using Harmful Chemicals
To lessen the number of fleas and ticks in your yard, use some of the methods described below. Keeping the grass cut short is one option. If you want to reduce the number of fleas and ticks in your yard, mow the grass regularly. Use a natural pesticide to help control fleas and ticks in your yard. Natural powder derived from fossilised algae is efficient against fleas and ticks. Diatomaceous earth may be used as a pool filter, but selecting the food-grade kind is important since the one intended for pools might be dangerous to pets. Lastly, you may attempt to prevent fleas and ticks by growing plants they hate. Lavender, citronella, and eucalyptus are some of the most significant plants for deterring these insects.
Take your dog in for an examination if you’re worried about fleas. See your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment options if you suspect your dog has fleas. Meanwhile, you may take measures to limit the spread of fleas. To get started, vacuum the house often. Fleas may be eradicated from carpets and upholstered furniture by simply cleaning them. When vacuuming, always discard the bag to stop fleas from reentering your house.
Flea-specific insecticides may also help treat the house. Read labels thoroughly and stick to using items that are suitable for use around kids and animals. Finally, you can try out a natural flea repellant in your house. Cedar oil is a natural flea repellant usable around kids and pets without worry. The oil may be sprayed on carpets and furniture or added to a diffuser to deter fleas.
Please spend some time learning about flea and tick treatment for dogs, and then consult your doctor about what they think is best for your dog. Preventing fleas and ticks is easy and will go a long way toward keeping your dog healthy and happy. Feeding your dog certain foods may help prevent flea and tick infestations. Garlic and brewer’s yeast are two of the most potent repellents. Garlic pills or supplements, as well as brewer’s yeast, may be given to a dog.