Are you wondering what’s going on behind the scenes with your website? You can tell that there are visitors coming and going, but who are these visitors? Do you have enough people visiting your site? Are these the right kinds of website visitors?
Websites have access to the whole web server. This is suggested for websites with a high volume of visitors. This provides the highest level of protection for anyone starting a web hosting company. However, because this kind is not shared across websites, all expenditures must be borne by one website.
It’s time to take a look at your website traffic to see what it means for your business and marketing efforts!
Keep reading to learn more.
Location: Does It Matter?
When you use an IP tracking website to get a general idea of who your visitors are, you’ll be able to see where they’re coming from as well. Keep in mind that people can hide their IP address locations with a VPN, but most people don’t do this.
So why does this matter to you? Well, it depends: are you a national business or a local business?
If you’re someone who’s running a website for a small local business, location is one of the most important things that you should be tracking when it comes to your visitors. Your business isn’t relevant to people who aren’t in your general area.
You want the majority of your visitors to be within your town or city. There may be a few random outsiders who are on trips or planning a move to your area, but for the most part, you want locals.
If you’re not seeing local visitors, it’s time to start utilizing local SEO and local social media efforts to improve your marketing efforts.
Not Enough Visitors: What Now?
So what if you don’t have enough visitors, local or otherwise?
This is a bad sign and it can mean several things. First and foremost, though, it means that you need to develop a better marketing strategy. What are you doing wrong?
Make sure that you’re using social media to your advantage when you’re trying to market your website. Create sharable content and use a clear call to action that sends followers to your page.
Improve your SEO to boost yourself up search engine ranks. This will make you more visible on Google.
Make sure that you’re tracking your progress. When you’re starting from a number that’s far too low, it means that something you’re doing isn’t working. When you commit to tracking your visitors, you’ll be able to catch any future problems and fix them in no time.
Do You Have Return Visitors?
Once you have enough visitors, why not track whether or not visitors are returning to your website? Return visitors (and return customers) are better for your business than new customers (although they both matter).
By tracking IP addresses, you can spot when visitors return to your website. What are those visitors doing on your page? Have they made purchases or contacted you?
If you have return visitors, it shows that your marketing techniques are working and that your service is good enough to keep people coming back for more.
What Does Your Website Traffic Tell You?
Based on what you’ve just read, what is your website traffic telling you about your marketing efforts? Do you need to invest in professional marketing services to step up your game? Are you targeting the wrong people?
Next time you’re looking at who’s visiting your site, use this quick guide to adjust your marketing!
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